Monday 4 February 2013

Types of Hair Extensions You Must Know About

Most people get stuck up while deciding whether to get weave hair extensions or the clip-in ones, one is supposed to compare them with others available. The major deciding factor being the duration for which you need to use them and the amount to be spent on them.

Various types of hair extensions available have been mentioned below.

Clip-in hair extensions are temporary and are used on selected occasions. It boosts the volume of hair and adds some extra colour to them. They are easy to attach and remove. They are also available in various different styles and sizes. One can also apply these on their own.

The bonded hair extensions are relatively more permanent. The wefts are bonded to the hair by using various bonding materials. The most common one being heat bonding. It is quite vulnerable if it comes to the usage of curlers or straighteners on them, which can easily loosen the bonds. The only drawback of this procedure is the lack of styling options and the cost of the procedure.

Weave hair extensions require a braid of hair which is to be wound around the scalp which works hold the extensions. Braid making is quite time consuming, but does not require chemicals. The usage of heat treatment depends on the kind of extensions used. Weave hair extensions are not as temporary as the clip-in extensions.

Feather hair extensions are the ones closest to the clip in extensions, the only difference being that it makes use of individual feathers which have to clip in to the hair. It is temporary and is purely aesthetic. It can also add certain patterns and colours to the hair.